Extra Curricular Activities
- On Sept 04, 2017; Slogan and Painting competition was organised on various topics such as Child Labour, Global Warming, Women Foeticide, Save Earth and Water, BetiBachao, BetiPadhao etc., Thirty five students participated in this competition.
- On Sept 11, 2017; An extension lecture on Dental Health Awareness by Dr.Alka Singh, Dental Surgeon, Primary Health Centre Dhandwas organised.
- An extension lecture on Cyber Crimewas organised on dated Feb.03, 2018. The lecture was delivered by Sh. VirenderWalia A.S.I Cyber Cell, Ambala.
- Nine students of the college participated in a district level Youth Red Cross Training camp organised by Indian Red Cross Society Kaithal.
- A Blood Donation Camp was organised on Feb.10, 2018. 55 donors donated blood in this camp.
- First Aid Training and Home Nursing seven day camp was organised in the college campusfrom Feb.2, 2018 to Feb.19, 2018.
- On Aug 15, 2016;The 70th Independence Day was celebrated under the president-ship of Principal Dr. Balbir Singh. Sh. Karan Singh, General secretary Managing committee, hoist the flag .Students made the extent of celebration by singing patriotic songsand National Anthem.
- On Sept 03, 2016; an extension lecture on "Health Awareness" was delivered by Dr. Pooja Choudhary, A.M.O., Kalpna Chawla Medical college and Hospital, Karnal. She shared her views on nutritious value of food and how to maintain hygienic living habits which help us to keep healthy life. She also gave information that in the absence of balanced diet and unhygienic living condition we suffer from many diseases. So, we must develop good hygienic living habits and take balanced diet.
- Ten days camp of First Aids Training course was organized in the college campus during� 8th -17th Nov,2016 under the supervision of Ms Komal,convener Red Cross Society of the College,and the presidentship of the Principals,Dr Balbir Singh,.There was participation of 30 students in this camp. Sh.Gyan Chand Bhalla trained the students.The main objectives of conducting First Aids Training was to provide basic knowledge about first aid and its managment during injuries on daily life and to deliver knowledge on proper handling injuries during emergency.Certificates were distributed on the last date of camp on the basis of exam.
Report of BetiBachao-BetiPadhao Committee
Session (2017-18)
Convener: Ms.Komal Rani, Assistant Professor
- On Sept 04, 2017;Slogan and Painting competition was organised on various topics such as Child Labour, Global Warming, Women Foeticide, Save Earth and Water, BetiBachao, BetiPadhao etc., Thirty five students participated in this competition.
- On Sept 11, 2017;An extension lecture on Dental Health Awareness by Dr.Alka Singh, Dental Surgeon, Primary Health Centre Dhandwas organised.
- Poetical Symposium and Speech Competition was organised on datedSept 13, 2017. Thirty students participated in this competition.
- Rangoli Competition was organised on dated Oct.06, 2017. Fifteen students participated in this competition.
- On Oct 7, 2016;Mahendi Competition was organised on the occasion of KarvaChouth. In this competition, participation of twenty five students was there.
- An extension lecture on Cyber Crimewas organised on dated Feb.03, 2018. The lecture was delivered by Sh. VirenderWalia A.S.I Cyber Cell, Ambala.
- A Blood Donation Camp was organised on Feb.10, 2018. 55 donors donated blood in this camp.
- International Women's Daywas celeberated on March 8, 2018.
Report of "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao" Committee
For The Session 2016-17
On Aug 15, 2016;The 70th Independence Day was celebrated under the president-ship ofPrincipal Dr. Balbir Singh. Sh. Karan Singh, General secretary Managing committee, hoist the flag .Students made the extent of celebration by singing patriotic songsand National Anthem.
On Sept 02, 2016; “Slogan Writing Competition” was organised on various topics such as Child Labour, Global Warming, Dowry System, Women Foeticide, Save Tree; Save Earth, Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao etc., Forty five students participated in this competition.
Result of the competition is as follows:
Name | Class | Roll. No. | Position |
Suraj | B.Com-I | 722 | I |
Jyoti | B.A.-III | 605 | II |
Pooja | B.Com-II | 811 | III |
Sumita | B.A.-I | 148 | Consolation |
On Sept 03, 2016; an extension lecture on “Health Awareness” was delivered by Dr. Pooja Choudhary, A.M.O., Kalpna Chawla Medical college and Hospital, Karnal. She shared her views on nutritious value of food and how to maintain hygienic living habits which help us to keep healthy life. She also gave information that in the absence of balanced diet and unhygienic living condition we suffer from many diseases. So, we must develop good hygienic living habits and take balanced diet.
On Sept 05, 2016 ; Teacher’s Day was celebrated under the supervision of Ms. Komal, Convener Women Cell, with great enthusiasm and zeal. Dr. Dhanesh Maheley, Associate Prof., spoke on the works and contribution of Dr. Radha Krishan ,the former president of India, the great architect of the society and a modal teacher of India. Dr. Balbir Singh ,the Principal, put more emphasis on moral and ethical values which he expected the students to follow In the end he wished that the students would be great future builders of nation. On this occasion “Speech Competition” was also organised. In this competition twenty students participated.
Result of the competition is as follows:
Name | Class | Roll. No. | Position |
Pooja | B.A.- III | 602 | I |
Diksha | B.A.- I | 301 | II |
Rohit | B.Com- I | 705 | III |
On Sept 22, 2016An extension lecture on “Female Foeticideand Awareness” was deliveredby Dr. Santosh Dahiya, Associate Professor, Physical Education, University College KUK & President of the Women wing of the Sarv Jatiya Sarv Khap Mahapanchayat. She said thatfemale foeticide is a crimeand social disasterfor the future of women. There should be legal stoppage to get control over it. On the same day “Essay Writing Competition” was organised by Women Cell on various topics such as Legal Right of Women, Domestic Voilence Act, Digital India, Female Foeticide, Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao, Right to Information, Drug De-addiction etc. Forty studentsparticipated in this competition. Dr. Balbir Singh, Principal, appreciatedthe participation of students.
Result of the competition is as follows
Name | Class | Roll. No. | Position |
Sachin kumar | B.Sc.-III | 1301 | I |
Ruban | B.Com-I | 717 | II |
Pooja | B.A.-III | 603 | III |
Sonia | B.A.-I | 117 | Consolation |
On Oct 18, 2016; “Mahendi Competition” was organised on the occasion of Karva Chouthunder the supervision of Ms. Komal, ConvenerWomen Cell.In this competition , participation oftwenty five students was there. Dr. Rishipal, Ms. Kusum and Dr. Sandeep performed the duty of judges. Dr. Balbir Singh, Principal, appreciated the participation of the students.
Result of the competition is as follows:
Name | Class | Roll. No. | Position |
Ruban | B.Com-I | 717 | I |
Poonam | B.A.-II | 403 | II |
Anjali | B.Sc II | 1204 | III |
Inter-College Essay Writing Competition was organisedby WomenCell and Legal Literary Cellof Arya Post Graduate College Panipaton the topics :
1). Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao
2). Women and Legal Awareness
3). Right to Information
In which a team of two students Ekta (B.A.-III), Roll no. 607 and JyotiBagri (B.A.-III), Roll no. 605 participated. .Result of the competition is awaited.
Independence Day
On 15th Aug 2014 the local unit of the N.S.S celebrated Independence Day under the President ship of the Principal Dr. Balbir Singh.On the occasion the national flag was waved by the Principal . He addressed the students .During his address he told them about the struggle and sacrifice of Indians. Dr Rishi Pal conducted the stage Various Cultural items were performed by the students . The students participate in patriotic songs , poems and speech some members of the Management were Present there. All the teaching and non-teaching members of staff also attended the function . The function was windup with the speech of Dr . Pushpa ,incharge N.S.S.
One Day N.S.S.Camp
On Sep 24,2014 local Unit of N.S.S organized one day campIt was organized in the campus of the College by Dr. Pushpa, Programme Officer of N.S.S unit under the presidentship of the Principal , Dr. Balbir Singh. The Principal addressed the Volunteers . During his address he motivated and encouraged all the Volunteers to fulfill the stop of N.S.S Not Me But You.
Cultural activities were performed by the Volunteers. The Volunteers performed through jokes, poems and skit. They Participated in speech ,debate and poetical symposium . In the end of the camp Dr. Pushpa thanked the Volunteers for their participation Besides the members of the Committee of N.S.S all other members of the staff were also present there.
Gandhi Jyanti and Cleaning Campaign
On the occasion of Gandhi Jyanti the local unit of N.S.S celebrated Gandhi Jyanti on Oct 2, 2014 and Haryana Day on Nov 1, 2014. It was organized by Dr. Pushpa under the Chairmanship of the Principal Dr. Balbir Singh.All the Volunteers assembled in the lawn of the College. There the Principal addressed them. The function was started with the speech of the Principal who motivated them to clean our country. The whole nation started cleaning campaign from Gandhi Jyanti and will continue it further.
Dr. Pushpa delivered a lecture .She inspired the volunteers for cleaning . If we want to live cleaning is necessary to survive. Dirt is dangerous and harmful for our health and environment. On Nov 1 , 2014 it was again started and continued . The volunteers cleaned the campus of the college, including lawns, canteen and other open area. Our mind and living place should be clean . The cultural activities were performed by the volunteers . They participated in the Haryanvi items. Some volunteers sang Group song Haryanvi, solo song Haryanvi and Haryanivi Dance and skit. They tried to show the richness of Haryanvi culture through their performance .Our heritage and Haryanvi culture is rich .We should not forget culture and should not try to follow other culture.
Sardar Balabh Bhai Patel Jyanti and Haryana Day.
On 31st Oct ,2014 the local Unit of N.S.S celebrated the birth anniversary of Iron man Sardar Balabh Bhai Patel Jyanti. It was celebrated by Dr. Pushpa the volunteers , the N.S.S cadets and al the other members of the staff.
The main purpose was to celebrate his anniversary as a unity Day .After the speech of the Principal Rastriya Ekta Diwas Pledge was taken by the students Oath was taken by every one to serve the nation with dedication and faithfullness .Then N.C.C March past by the N.C.C Cadets was performed in the ground. After March Past Run for unity was performed by all the students . The students run a race for the unity of nation. The winners of the race were congratulated . After the completion of race and after a short break the students participated in cultural activities .Essay Writing Competition , debate and declamation contest were also conducted by the unit . In the end every staff members including Dr. Pushpa thanked all the students and congratulated the winners of race and competitions.
Haryana Day
On Nov, 1 2014 the local unit of N.S.S Celebrated Haryana Diwas.It was Organized by the Incharge , Dr. Pushpa under the Presidentship of the Principal, Dr. Balbir Singh On this occasion Dr. Pushpa and Dr. Balbir Singh addressed all the volunteers. They told them about the history of Haryana which was separated from Punjab on 1 Nov, 1966. There the volunteers participated in Swachta Abiyan. They cleaned the campus, canteen and watered all the plants. During lunch break the volunteers participated in cultural activities . The function was wind up with the thanks of volunteers & staff members by Dr. Pushpa
In this way the volunteers celebrated Haryana Day and cleaned the campus of the college . The members of the staff also cleaned the campus .Both the function were windup with the speech and thanks of Dr. Pushpa.
Nayta Je Subhash Chander Bose Jyanti
On 23 Jan, 2015 the local unit of N.S.S Celebrated Nayta Je Subhash Chander Bose Jyanti.It was Organized by the Incharge , Dr. Pushpa under the Presidentship of the Principal, Dr. Balbir Singh On this occasion Dr. Pushpa and Dr. Balbir Singh addressed all the volunteers. They told them about the history of Indain Nationalist Subhash Chander Bose who attempt during World War II to get rid of Indian of British rule and his contribution in Indian National Movement for Independence . During lunch break the volunteers participated in cultural activities . The function was wind up with the thanks of volunteers & staff members by Dr. Pushpa
National Voter Day
On 25 Jan, 2015 the local unit of N.S.S Celebrated the National Voter Day .It was Organized by the Incharge , Dr. Pushpa under the Presidentship of the Principal, Dr. Balbir Singh On this occasion Dr. Pushpa and Dr. Balbir Singh addressed all the volunteers. They told volunteers about the responsibility of the good citizen and encourage more young voters to take part in the political process, & also question their elected representatives when they fail to deliver. . During lunch break the volunteers participated in cultural activities . The function was wind up with the thanks of volunteers & staff members by Dr. Pushpa
Republic day
On 26 Jan, 2015 the local unit of N.S.S Celebrated the 66th Republic Day the most important National event. It was Organized by the Incharge , Dr. Pushpa under the Presidentship of the Principal, Dr. Balbir Singh On this occasion Dr. Pushpa and Dr. Balbir Singh addressed all the volunteers. They told volunteers that It was on January 26th, 1950 that the constitution of India came into force and India became a truly Sovereign, Democratic and Republic country. On this day, India finally enjoyed the freedom of spirit, rule of law and fundamental principle of Governance. The patriotic fervor of the Indian people on this day brings the whole country together even in her embedded diversity. During lunch break the volunteers participated in cultural activities . The function was wind up with the thanks of volunteers & staff members by Dr. Pushpa.
Blood Donation Camp and one day camp
On 11 Feb, 2015 the local unit of N.S.S Celebrated the Blood Donation and One day camp.It was Organized by the Incharge , Dr. Pushpa under the Presidentship of the Principal Dr. Balbir Singh & Chief Guest Ex. M.L.A Ch. Tejvir Singh, On this occasion Dr. Pushpa and Dr. Balbir Singh addressed all the volunteers. They told volunteers about the Importance of Blood Donation that Human blood is a prime necessity in modern surgery and treatment for certain diseases. Blood transfusion is needed in many cases and there is no substitute for human blood. To meet the increasing demand for this life-saving blood, it is necessary for us all to know that donating blood does no harm to the donor. & can save precious life of dying people . During lunch break the volunteers participated in cultural activities . The function was wind up with the thanks of volunteers & staff members by Dr. Pushpa.
A Seven days NSS Camp from Feb 26, 2015 to March 4, 2015
A Seven days NSS Camp was organized in B.A.RJantaCollege Kaul , from Feb 26, 2015 to March 4 , 2015. The opening ceremony of the camp was done by Dr, Balbir Singh, Principal, B.A.RJantaCollege Kaul , and expert Lecture was delivered by Dr. Veena Vamba Principal, B.Ed College Kaul, Dr. Pushpa , Convener of NSS Unit organized everything and managed successfully. The other activities included cleaning Science Block , B.Ed Block , College Campus and the whole institute premises. An expert lecture was delivered by Dr. Charanjeet Kaur, Nss Co-ordinator Panchkula. Dr. Vinish Walia , Asst Prof. CISKMV Pundri informed the students about Information and Technology. Mrs Suruchi Sharma delivered a lecture on Women Empowerment and a rally was organized on the current issue running in society.
” Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao”
And finally , the camp was organized successfully with the Co-operation of the institute and the authorities.
National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP)
On 16 March, 2015 the local unit of N.S.S Celebrated the National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP).It was Organized by the Incharge , Dr. Pushpa under the Presidentship of the Principal Dr. Balbir Singh. On this occasion Dr. Pushpa and Dr. Balbir Singh addressed all the volunteers. They told volunteers about the National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) that Provision of safe drinking water is a basic necessity. Rural drinking water supply is a State subject and has been included in the Eleventh Schedule of the Constitution of India, among the subjects that may be entrusted to Panchayats by the States.The Main Objective of this programme
- To ensure coverage of all rural habitations with access to safe drinking water.
- To ensure sustainability of drinking water systems and sources.
- To tackle the problem of water quality in affected habitations.
- To institutionalize the reform initiative in rural drinking water supply sector.
During lunch break the volunteers participated in cultural activities . The function was wind up with the thanks of volunteers & staff members by Dr. Pushpa.
Independence Day And One Day N.S.S camp
On 15 Aug, 2015 the local unit of N.S.S celebrated the 69th Independence Day the most important National event and organized one day camp It was conducted by the Incharge , Dr. Pushpa under the President-ship of the Principal, Dr. Balbir Singh . On this occasion Flag was hoisted, by the Vice President Ch. Ranbir Singh a main guest of the function.After the flag hoisting ceremony National Anthem song was sung.
Dr. Pushpa and Dr. Balbir Singh addressed all the volunteers. They told volunteers that it is a day of great significance for the people of India. At this day(15th of August in 1947.) India got freedom from the British rule after long years of slavery. It was not so easy for the India to get freedom from the Britishers however various great people and freedom fighters of India made it a truth. They had sacrificed their lives in attaining the freedom for their future generations without worrying about their comfort, rest and freedom. They planned and acted upon various Independence Movements including violent and nonviolent resistance to get complete freedom.
After addressing, the volunteers participated in cultural activities . The function was wind up with the thanks of volunteers & staff members by Dr. Pushpa.
Training Orientation Course from 24-08-2015 to 30-08-2015
Dr. Pushpa attended seven day Training Orientation Course from August 24 to August 3, 2015 which was organized by NSS Empanelled Training Institute (E.T.I.) Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India and Institute for Development and Communication (IDC) for the NSS Program officers at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
Teachers Day (5th Sep 2015) And One Day N.S.S camp
The local unit of N.S.S Celebrated the 5th September as a Teachers Day and one day N.S.S camp . It was organized by the Incharge , Dr. Pushpa under the Presidentship of the Principal Dr. Balbir Singh. Dr. Pushpa and Dr. Balbir Singh addressed all the volunteers. They told volunteers that this day was marked for the celebration as Teachers Day since 1962 in respect and deference of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who was born on 5th September, 1888. It is a day of great significance for the people of. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was a great scholar, philosopher and teacher of modern India and was awarded the Bharat Ratna in 1954. He became the second President of India in 1962. Therefore it was only natural that his birth day would be celebrated to pay respect towards lakhs of unknown teachers across the country. It was his wish that instead of celebrating his birth day on 5th of September every year, it would be better to celebrate it as Teachers Day in whole of India.
After this students and teachers gather to celebrate at hall with special traditional food, cookies, music and presents for the teachers.Most of the students offer gifts like greeting cards, flowers, chocolates, pens, show pieces, books, etc. to their teachers on this special occasion. A gift reflects the love and respect for the teachers by their students. Each one of us has been a student at some point of our lives, therefore Teachers’ Day should be celebrated by all of us and not just the teachers and students alone.
Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan ( w.e.f 22 Sep to 28 Sep 2015)
Swachch Bharat Abhiyaan was started from within the college campus from 22 Sep 2015 to 28 Sep 2015 with the swachhta shapath ( pledge ). It was organized within the college premises by Dr. Pushpa, Programme Officer of N.S.S unit under the presiden-ship of the Principal, Dr. Balbir Singh and local Unit of N.S.S The students who have joined NSS for the session 2015-16 were involved in the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan along with Principal and college fraternity. Volunteers of NSS unit took a pledge to be the active member of clean India drive both within and outside the college to clean India till 2019 so as to fulfill the dreams of our dynamic Prime Minister Sh. Narinder Modi. Volunteers were briefed with various activities regarding cleanliness drive to be started from within the campus and its effective spread to villages/slums/hospitals/Cremation ground.
On the first day the Principal addressed the Volunteers . During his address he motivated and encouraged all the Volunteers to fulfill the moto of N.S.S “Not Me But You.”
During these days NSS Volunteers did cutting of extra shoots of trees, weeds uprooting and grass cuttings.The senior students namely ARVIND KUMAR ,RAJEEV KUMAR, VIKAS KUMAR , DIMPLE , POOJA guided the students and taught them the basics of NSS activities. The students cleaned all the waste that was in and around the college campus and segregated the waste into degradable and non degradable waste and disposed the same accordingly. Students were taught about the need to maintain basic sanitation and cleanliness in all aspects this will make it easier for the society to spread the message of a clean and beautiful campus….
In between these days “Beti Bachao , Beti Padhao” campaign was launched from college campus to increase awareness on celebrating the Girl Child & enabling her education.. The campaign will be aimed at ensuring girls are born, nurtured and educated without discrimination
On the last day of the weak cultural activities were performed by the Volunteers. The Volunteers performed through jokes, poems and skit. They participated in speech ,debate and poetical symposium .
In the end of the camp Dr. Pushpa thanked the Volunteers for their participation Besides the members of the Committee of N.S.S all other members of the staff were also present there..
On 24th September National Service Scheme Day was celebrated within the college premises by Dr. Pushpa, Programme Officer of N.S.S unit under the presidentship of the Principal, Dr. Balbir Singh, Main Chief guest Mrs Rekha Rani A.S.I of Mahila, Police Thana Kaithal and local Unit of N.S.S.. The programme aims to inculcate social welfare in students, and to provide service to society without bias. NSS volunteers work to ensure that everyone who is needy gets help to enhance their standard of living and lead a life of dignity. In doing so, volunteers learn from people in villages how to lead a good life despite a scarcity of resources. it also provides help in natural and man-made disasters by providing food, clothing and first aid to the disaster victims.
The Principal addressed the Volunteers . During his address he motivated and encouraged all the Volunteers to fulfill the Motto of NSS is Not Me But You this reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation of other persons point of view and also show consideration for fellow human beings.
After this Rekha Rani addressed the Volunteers. She Delivered the lecture on self protection. She gave some important safety tips to Volunteers. . She says prevention is the best self protection. She also advised girls not to upload their Snaps in words up or face book and other social cites.
The function was wind up with the thanks of volunteers & staff members by Dr. Pushpa.
Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti(2nd October 2015)
The local unit of N.S.S Celebrated the 2nd October as a Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti.. It was conducted by the Incharge , Dr. Pushpa under the President ship of the Principal Dr. Balbir Singh. On this occasion Dr. Pushpa and Dr. Balbir Singh addressed all the volunteers. They told volunteers about the background of Mahatma Gandhi that On second of October a great person Mahatma Gandhi was born in the year 1869 at Porbandar in the Gujarat. Mahatma Gandhi is also known as Bapu in India for his unforgettable contributions and struggle for the freedom of Indian.They told volunteers that Mahatma Gandhis life and his principles have inspired lives of all ages. Gandhis life was an example of simplicity and devotion .
After addressing the volunteers participated in cultural activities . Then to honour Gandhi respect all volunteers take part in prayers. Mahatma Gandhi favoritedevotional song ” Raghupati Raghava is customarily sung by all volunteers .
The function was wind up with the thanks of volunteers & staff members by Dr. Pushpa
Sardar Balabh Bhai Patel Jyanti and Haryana Day.
On 31st Oct ,2015 the local Unit of N.S.S celebrated the birth anniversary of Iron man Sardar Balabh Bhai Patel Jyanti. It was celebrated by Dr. Pushpa the volunteers , the N.S.S cadets and all the other members of the staff. The chief guest of this function was college vice president Sh. Ranbir singh
The main purpose was to celebrate his anniversary as a unity Day .After the speech of the Principal Rastriya Ekta Diwas Pledge was taken by the students Oath was taken by every one to serve the nation with dedication and faithfulness .Then N.C.C March past by the N.C.C Cadets was performed in the ground. After March Past Run for unity was performed by all the students . The students run a race for the unity of nation. The winners of the race were congratulated . After the completion of race and after a short break the students participated in cultural activities .Essay Writing Competition , debate and declamation contest were also conducted by the unit . In the end every staff members including Dr. Pushpa thanked all the students and congratulated the winners of race and competitions.
Haryana Day
On Nov, 1 2015 the local unit of N.S.S Celebrated Haryana Diwas.It was Organized by the Incharge , Dr. Pushpa under the Presidentship of the Principal, Dr. Balbir Singh On this occasion Dr. Pushpa and Dr. Balbir Singh addressed all the volunteers. They told them about the history of Haryana which was separated from Punjab on 1 Nov, 1966. There the volunteers participated in Swachta Abiyan. They cleaned the campus, canteen and watered all the plants. During lunch break the volunteers participated in cultural activities . The function was wind up with the thanks of volunteers & staff members by Dr. Pushpa
In this way the volunteers celebrated Haryana Day and cleaned the campus of the college . The members of the staff also cleaned the campus .Both the function were windup with the speech and thanks of Dr. Pushpa.
A Seven days NSS Camp from Dec 24th, 2015 to Dec 30th , 2015
A Seven days NSS Camp was organized in B.A.R Janta College Kaul , from Dec 24, 2015 to Dec 30th , 2015. The opening ceremony of the camp was done by Dr, Balbir Singh, Principal, B.A.R Janta College Kaul , and expert Lecture was delivered by Prof. Pardeep Kumar of B.Ed College Kaul. about use of waste materials and work experience to NSS Volunteers . Dr. Pushpa , Convener of NSS Unit organized everything and managed successfully.
The other activities included cleaning Science Block , B.Ed Block , College Campus, C.H.C Kaul and the whole institute premises. An expert lecture about different diseases like Blood Pressure, Aids, Anemia, and all type of fiver and symptoms was delivered by Dr. Pardeep Kumar and Dr Rampal from C.H.C Kaul . They informed the volunteers how to save and how to control from these diseases.
Dr Dipti from Seth Nav Rang Ray Lohia Jai Ram Girls College, Lohar Majra Kurukshetra delivered a lecture on Law for woman rights in India and aware all NSS Volunteers about these rights that how to persevere and make best use of these Rights to save us from violence. A rally was organized on the current issue running in society.like ” Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” ‘Jal hi jeevan hai’ and ‘jal hai to kal hai’., Yuva Jago Nasha Taygo, Tabocco ko jisny galy ligaya Maut ko usyny pass bulaya
We have numerous Extra-curricular activities at our college, some of which are listed below:
- Dramatics, Music and Dance
- Debate, Declamation, Group Discussions, etc.
- Quiz Competitions, Rangoli Competition, Slogan Competition, etc