Legal Cell

Legal Cell

Report of Legal Literacy Cell

Session (2018-19 & 2019-20) Convener: Ms. Komal Rani, Assistant Professor. Road Safety Quiz contest 2018-19 for the level III and IV was held on Oct.23,2018. It was of 30 marks. Eighty six students of the college participated in this contest.

“Anti-RaggingAwareness”programme was held on Aug.02,2019. Session Judge Ms Taranjeet Kaur was the chief guest of theprogramme. Advocate RandeepSingh delivered a lectureon theimportance and gravity of the topic and highlighted the extended definition of ragging given by the supreme court of India. Consequences of the ragging were taught and students were given awareness regarding the punishment of ragging under the law.

Essay writing competition was held on Sep.27,2019 in the college. Fifty students participated in this competition. Students wrote on totopics: Dowry System, Domestic Violence,Female Feticide, Water conservation, consumer protection etc.

Road Safety Quiz contest 2018-19 for the level III and IV was held on Oct.23, 2018. It was of 30 marks. Eighty six students of the college participated in this contest.

“Anti-Ragging Awareness”programme was held on Aug.02,2019. Session Judge Ms Taranjeet Kaur was the chief guest of the programme. Advocate Randeep Singh delivered a lecture onthe importance and gravity of the topic and highlighted the extended definition of ragging given by the supreme court ofIndia. Consequences of the ragging were taught and students were given awareness regarding the punishment of ragging under the law.

Essay writing competition was held on Sep.27,2019 in the college. Fifty students participated in this competition. Students wrote on totopics: Dowry System, Domestic Violence,Female Feticide, Water conservation, consumer protection etc.

Report of Legal Literacy Cell for the session 2015-16

On September 14, 2015 and September 16, 2015 Legal Literacy Cell of the college organized Painting competition and Slogan  writing competition on various topics such as Female Foeticide, Save Girl Child, ,Child Labour , Save Earth And Water, Global Warming , Love Nature , etc. It was organized by Nodal Officer of the Legal Literacy Cell, Mrs Kusum  under the Presidentship of the Principal Dr Balbir Singh. The result of the competitions is given as under

Painting Competition held on Sep 14, 2015

NameClassRoll. No.Position
Anil KumarB.A II439First
DimpleB. Sc. III1304Second
ShaluB.A. III628Third

Slogan Writing Competition held on Sep 16, 2015

NameClassRoll. No.Position
SukhwinderB.A. III631First
PoojaB.Sc. II1204Second
PriyankaB.Com I722Third
SushmaB.Com II806Third

Extension Lecture

Legal Literacy Cell of the College organized an extension lecture on topic “Status of Women in Indian Society” on Sep 22, 2015. It was organized under the Presidentship of the Principal Dr Balbir Singh by Mrs Kusum Gora, Nodal Officer of Legal Literacy Cell.The Lecture was delivered by Mrs. Shuruchi Sharma, Assistant Professor, R.K.S.D. College, Kaithal. In her lecture she  shared her views about miserable condition of women in India. During her talk she awared all the students.  She also gave helpline No. to all the students.We should use these No. 100 Police Control Room, 102 Ambulance, 1091 women helpline No. etc.

Speech Competition & Poetical Symposium

On September 28, 2015 Legal Literacy Cell of the College organized Speech competition  and poetical symposium . It was organized by Mrs Kusum. Twenty students participated in Speech Competition and seventeen students participated in Poetical Symposium. The main topics of the speech and poem were Violence against Woman in Indian Society, Human Rights, Global Warming, Female Foeticide, Dowry System, Ragging, Child Marriage, Importance of Vote in Indian Democracy, Corruption , Rising Prices etc. The result is given below

Speech Competition

NameClassRoll. No.Position
DimpleB.SC III1304First
SonuB.A. II515Second
RituB.SC III1321Third

Poetical Symposium

NameClassRoll. No.Position
SukhwinderB.A. III631First
SonuB.A. II515Second
DarshanB.A I224Third

Essay Writing Competition

On Nov 04, 2015 Legal Literacy Cell organized Essay Writing Competition on various topics such as  Domestic Violence Act 2005, Dowry Prohibition, Love Nature , etc. It was organized by Mrs Kusum Convener, Legal Literacy Cell under the Chairmanship of the Principal Dr Balbir Singh. The result of the competitions is given as under.

NameClassRoll. No.Position
DimpleB.Sc III1304First
DharmenderB.A III627Second
RohitB.A III625Third

Debate Competition and Declamation Contest

On Nov 16, 2015 Legal Literacy Cell of the college organized Debate Competition and Declamation contest on various topics such as Women Empowerment Myth or Realty, Female Foeticide, Honour Killing, etc. It was organized by Mrs Kusum Convener, Legal Literacy Cell under the Chairmanship of the Principal Dr Balbir Singh. The result of the competitions is given as under.

NameClassRoll. No.Position
SahilB A. III602First
SagarB.A I188Second
SachinB.A III616Third

Declamation Contest

NameClassRoll. No.Position
SunaianaB.A I159First
ManjuB.A I197Second
ShushmaB.Com II806Third

District Level Competition

On Nov 07, 2015 District Level Competition was held at Dr. B.R.A. Govt. College Jagdishpura, Kaithal organized by Legal Literacy Cell of the College under the Presidentship of the Principal , Dr Rishipal Bedi. Various Competitions like Painting, Slogan Writing, Debate, Declamation, Poetical Symposium, Essay Writing, Skit and Speech were included. Dimple, B.Sc. III Roll 1304 participated in Slogan. Writing Competition. Twelve  colleges participated in it. Dimple got first position.

Extension Lecture

On March 10, 2016 Legal Literacy Cell organized an extension lecture on the topic “Domestic Violence Act, 2005” delivered by Advocate Mr. Ranvir Prashar former president of B.A.R. Association, Kaithatl and Mr. B. L. Bhardwaj Advocate Civil Court, Kaithal.

Inter College Competition

On March 12, 2016, Legal Literacy Cell of C. I. S. K. M. V. Dhand Dadvana organized an Inter College Competition including various events like Poetic Recitation, Declamation, Essay Writing, Rangoli, Embroidery, Power Point Presentation and Slogan Writing. The following students participated in these events.

NameClassRoll. No.Event
MonikaB. A. III629Rangoli
DimpleB.Sc.III1304Slogan Writing
ShaluB. A. III628Slogan Writing
SukhvinderB.A.III631Poetic Recitation
DimpleB.Sc.III1304Poetic Recitation
Essay Writing
DimpleB.Sc.III1304Essay Writing

Annual Report of Legal Literacy Cell (2014-15)

On September 8, 2014 and September 9, 2014 Legal Literacy Cell  of the college organized Painting and Slogan  writing competition on various topics such as Female Foeticide, Save Girl Child, Child Labour, Save Earth and Water, Global Warming, Love Nature, etc. It was organized by Nodal Officer, Ms Kusum under the Presidentship of the Principal Dr Balbir Singh. The result of the competitions is given as under.

Painting Competition held on Sep 8, 2014

NameClassRoll. No.Position
Sonia SagwalB.Com III Sem820First
BinduB.A I Sem315Second
SanjanaB.Sc IIIsem1230Third

Slogan Writing Competition held on Sep 9, 2014

NameClassRoll. No.Position
RituB.SC III SEM1213First
JyotiB.A I Sem316Second
SushmaB.Com I Sem714Third
ShantnuB.Com Ist Sem704Third

Extension Lecture

Legal Literacy Cell  of the College organized an extension lecture on ” Rules of the Road” on September 12, 2014 . It was organized under the Presidentship of the Principal Dr Balbir Singh by Ms Kusum, Nodal Officer of Legal Literacy Cell.The Lecture was delivered by Sh. Ramesh Chand, S.H.O., Traffic Police Kaithal. In his Lecture he talked about  the precautions during  travelling and driving. During his talk he awared all the students.  Sh. Shagun Chand also gave helpline No. to all the students. We should use these No. 1073 accident helpline , 100 Police Control Room , 102 Ambulance, 1091 women helpline No. etc.

Quiz Contest

Legal Literacy Cell of the college organized Quiz Contest on September 13, 2014 under the Chairmanship of Dr. Balbir Singh. Eight teams participated in it. Dr. Subhash Chander, Associate Professor in Commerce played the role of quiz master. Various questions related sports, history, social sciences, entertainment, etc. fields were asked from the competing teams. The result of the event is as follows:-

TeamNameClassRoll NoPosition
EArvindB.A. II467First
ESachinB.A. II540
EDharmenderB.A. II409
HShubhamB.Com. I702Second
HMunishB.Com. I730
HAnkurB.Com. I737
ADimpleB.Sc. II1211
ASanjnaB.Sc. II1230

Speech Competition & Poetical Symposium

On 10th oct , 2014 Legal Literacy Cell of the College organized Speech competition  and poetical symposium . It was organized by Ms Kusum, Nodal Officer. Fifteen students participated in Speech Competition and twenty two students participated in Poetical Symposium . The main topics of the speech and poem were Exploitation of Woman in Indian Society , Female Foeticide, Dowry System , Importance of vote in Indian Democracy, Corruption , Rising Prices, etc.The result is given below

NameRoll No.ClassPosition
Pooja1232B.SC III SEMFirst
Manisha1204B.SC III SEMSecond
Rakhi1234B.SC III SEMThird

Poetical Symposium

NameRoll No.ClassPosition
Himanshu1301B.SC V SEMFirst
Sukhwinder429B.A III SemThird
Rajni222B.A Ist SemConsolation

Essay Writing, Debate and Declamation Contest

On Nov 11, 2014 Legal Literacy Cell  of the college organized Essay Writing Competition, Debate and Declamation contest  on various topics such as  Save Environment, Dowry System, Role of Women in Decision Making, Love Nature, etc. It was organized by Nodal Officer of the Legal Literacy  Cell, Mrs Kusum Gora under the Presidentship of the Principal, Dr Balbir Singh. The result of the competitions is given as under :-

NameRoll No.ClassPosition
Pardeep155B.A IstFirst
Dimple1210B.Sc IISecond
Himanshu1310B.Sc IIIThird
Sonu205B.A IThird

Debate Competition

NameRoll No.ClassPosition
Suman813B.Com IIFirst
Priyanka195B.A ISecond
Sonia108B.A IThird

Declamation Contest

NameRoll No.ClassPosition
Anuj101B.A IFirst
Sonia205B.A ISecond
Suman813B.Com IIThird

Participation in State Level Competition

On Nov 10, 2014 District Level Competition was held at Dr. B.R.A Govt. (PG) College, Jagdishpura, Kaithal organized by Legal Literacy Cell of the College under the Presidentship of the Principal, Dr Rishipal Bedi. Various Competitions like Painting, Slogan Writing, Debate, Declamation, Poetical Symposium, Essay Writing, Skit and Speech were included. Four students of our College participated in the competition. Through the painting Himanshu tried to highlight Dowry System which is burning and serious issue of our society. Manisha presented a poem about Women Empowerment. Sanjana and Dimple participated in Slogan Writing Competition. Fifteen Colleges participated in it. Dimple got second position in Slogan writing competition in which she tried to highlight the miserable condition of woman in Indian society Inter College Competition

On February 28, 2015 B.A.R. Janta College of Education, Kaul organised Inter College Competition on the occasion of National Science Day under the Chairmanship of the Principal, Dr. Veena Bamba. Various events as Rangoli, Painting, Slogan Writing, Speech, Clay Modelling and Exhibition. Five students of the college participated in the competition. Sanjna, B.Sc. II Roll no. 1230 got third position in Rangoli Competition and Rakhi B.Sc. II Roll No. 1234 got third position in Math Modelling.

Extension Lecture held on March 03, 2015

On March 03, 2015 Legal Literacy Cell of the college organised an Extension Lecture on the topic “Women Empowerment”. The lecture was delivered by Dr. Suruchi Sharma under the chairmanship of Dr. Balbir Singh. During her lecture she highlighted the relevance of women empowerment in Indian society. She pointed out the ways by which women can be empowered and can become self-dependent. After the intellectual talk Ms. Kusum thanked the chief guest, staff members and all the students.